Author Archives: SaltwaterC

About SaltwaterC

Mr. Sarcasm, Developer, Sysadmin.

Snapshots are not backups

Some people may slip into your head the idea that by doing snapshots, you’re free from the burden of doing proper backups. While this may sound good in theory, in practice there are a bunch of caveats. There are certain technologies that use the snapshot methodology at the core, but they make sure that your data isn’t corrupted. Some may even provide access to the actual file revisions.

The data corruption is the specific topic that snapshots simply don’t care about, at least in Amazon’s way of doing things. This isn’t exactly Amazon’s fault for EC2. EBS actually stands for Elastic Block Storage. They provide you a block storage, you do whatever you want with it. For RDS they should do a better job though as it’s a managed service where you don’t have access to the actual instance. The issue is those ‘specialists’ that put emphasis onto the ‘easy, cloud-ish way’ of doing backups by using snapshots. If you’re new to the ‘cloud’ stuff as I used to be, you may actually believe that crap. As I used to believe.

A couple of real life examples:

  • An EBS-backed instance suffered some filesystem level corruption. Since EXT3 is not as smart as ZFS if we’re talking about silent data corruption, you may never know until it’s too late. Going back through revisions in order to find the last good piece of data is a pain. I could fix the filesystem corruption, I could retrieve the lost data, but I had to work quite a lot for that. Luck is an important skill, but I’d rather not put all my eggs into the luck basket.
  • An RDS instance ran out of space. There wasn’t a notification to tell me: ‘yo dumbass, ya ran out of space’. Statistically it wasn’t the case, but a huge data import proved me wrong. I increased the available storage. Problem solved. A day later, somebody dropped by accident a couple of tables. I had to restore them. How? Take the latest snapshot, spin up a new instance, dig through the data. The latest snapshot contained a couple of corrupted databases due to the space issue, one of them being the database I needed to restore. I had to take a bunch of time in order to repair the database before the restoration process. Fortunately nothing really bad happened. But it was a signal that the RDS snapshot methodology is broken by design.

Lesson learned. The current way of doing backups puts the data, not the block storage, first. If you’re doing EBS snapshots as the sole method, you may need to rethink your strategy.

nginx + PHP-FPM for high loaded virtual private servers

The VPSes that use the OS level virtualization have some challenges that you won’t find in setups that use full OS virtualization / paravirtualization. Stuff like OpenVZ doesn’t provide you a method for tuning OS parameters which may impair certain setups such as the above mentioned into the article title. All the stuff mentioned in my previous article applies here as well, except the sysctl tuning part. It would be redundant to mention those tips again.

However, the thing that applies differently is the fact that the maximum connection backlog on a OpenVZ VPS is typically 128, therefore you can not increase the listen.backlog parameter of PHP-FPM over that value. The kernel denies you that. Even more, due to the low memory setups of a lot of VPSes out there in the wild, you may be forced to use a low value for pm.max_children which translates this into a shorter cycle for the process respawn. A process that is respawning, can’t handle incoming connections, therefore the heavy lifting is done by the kernel backlog. The concurrency may not increase linearly with the number of available processes into the FPM pool because of this consequence.

Since the backlog is kept by the kernel, it is common for all services, therefore it may affect nginx as well if it can not accept() a connection for some reason. Load balancing over UNIX sockets doesn’t increase the possible concurrency level. It simply adds useless complexity. Using TCP sockets may increase the reliability of the setup, at the cost of added latency and used up system resources, but it would fail in the end. Some measures need to be taken.

I gave a thought about using HAProxy as connections manager since HAProxy has a nice maxconn feature that would pass the connections to an upstream up to a defined number. But that would add another layer of complexity. It has its benefits. But it also means that’s another point of failure. Having more services to process the same request pipeline is clearly suboptimal if the services composing the request pipeline won’t add some clear value to the setup, for example the way a proxy cache does.

Then I thought about node.js, but implementing FastCGI on top of node seems a hackish solution at best. One of the Orchestra guys did it, but I wouldn’t go into production with a node.js HTTP server for static objects and FastCGI response serving, no matter how “cool” this may sound. Then the revelation hit me: Ryan Dahl, the author of node.js, wrote a nginx module that adds the maxconn feature to nginx: nginx-ey-balancer. Hopefully, someday this would make it into upstream.

The module adds some boilerplate to the configuration since it requires a fastcgi_pass to an upstream unlike direct fastcgi_pass to an UDS path, but otherwise that this, it works as advertised. Although the module wasn’t actively maintained, or, at least this is how things look from outside, the v0.8.32 patch works even for nginx v1.0.2. Having nginx to act as connection manager instead of sending all the connections straight to the FPM upstream may have clear benefits from the concurrency point of view. It is recommended to set max_connections to the value of net.core.somaxconn. That guarantees the fact that no connection gets dropped because the FPM pool processes are respawning due to a short cycle policy.

By using this module, nginx could handle easily around 4000 concurrent connections for a 4 worker process setup, but increasing the workers number does not increase linearly the possible concurrency. Anyway, at that concurrency level, most probably the issues caused by the IPC between nginx and PHP-FPM would be your last concern. This setup simply removes an IPC limit which is ridiculously small most of the times.

nginx + PHP-FPM for high loaded websites

The title of the post is quite obvious. Apache2 + mod_php5 lost the so called “crown” for quite a while. The fist eye opener was a thing that got me pretty annoyed back in 2008. Dual-quad machine, 4 GiB of RAM, RAID 5 SAS @ 10k RPM – the server was looking pretty good, apparently. The only show stopper: Apache2 + mod_php5 that choked at 350 concurrent clients. What? No more free RAM? WTF? LAMP is not my cup of tea for obvious reasons. LEMP seems to be more appropriate while I ditched Apache from all the production servers.

Since then, I keep telling people that Apache2 + mod_php5 + prefork MPM is a memory hog, while most of the stuff comes from the brain-dead client connection management that Apache does. One process per connection is a model that ought to be killed. Probably the best bang for the buck is using nginx as front-end for serving the static objects and buffering the response from Apache in order to spoon-feed the slow clients. But here’s the kicker: for virtual hosting setups, Apache/prefork/PHP is pretty dull to configure safely aka isolate the virtual hosts. Packing more applications together over a production cluster is an obvious way for doing server consolidation.

There’s mod_fcgid/FastCGI … but nginx supports FastCGI as well. Therefore, cutting off the middle man was the obvious solution. By using this setup, you won’t lose … much. PHP-FPM was an obvious solution as the default FastCGI manager that used to come as the sole solution from the PHP upstream is pretty dumb. Instead of having a dedicated PHP service for each virtual host, one can have a dedicated process pool for each virtual host. Believe me, this method is much easier to maintain.

While nginx comes pretty well tuned by default, except the open file cache settings, for PHP-FPM you need to tune some essential settings. nginx has a predictable memory usage. I can say that most of the time the memory used by nginx is negligible compared to the memory used by the PHP subsystem. However, PHP-FPM has a predictable memory consumption if used properly. The process respawn feature ought to be used in order to keep the memory leaks under control. pm.max_requests is the option that you need to tune properly. One may use 10000 served request before respawning, but under very restricted memory requirements I even had to use 10 (very low memory VPS).

The pm.max_children option may be used to spawn an adaptive number of processes, based onto the server load, but IMHO that might overcommit the system resources into the worse case scenario. Having a fixed number of processes per pool is preferred. Usually I have a rough estimation of the memory consumption in order to keep all the runtime into the RAM. Thrashing the memory is not something you would want onto a loaded web server. For everything else, there’s Master … cough! munin.

The Inter-Process Communication is preferred over an UNIX Domain Socket. Unlike the TCP sockets, the UDS doesn’t have the TCP overload that the IPC has even for connections over the loopback interface. For small payloads, UDS might have a 30% performance boost due to lower latency than the TCP stack. Rememer: you can’t beat the latency. For larger payloads, the TCP latency has a lower impact, but it’s still there. Another nice thing about the UDS is the namespace. UDS uses the filesystem for defining a new listening socket. Under Linux, classic ACLs may be used for restricting what user can read / write to the UDS. BSD systems may be more permissive for this kind of stuff. The TCP sockets require a numerical port that can’t be used for something else while the management from an application that generates the configuration files is more difficult for this kind of settings. For UDS the socket name can be derived from the host name. As I said into a previous article, I don’t write the configuration files by hand. Having a decent way of keeping the IPC namespace is always a plus.

Another thing that you should take care of is the listen.backlog option of PHP-FPM. Using TCP sockets seem to be more reliable for PHP-FPM. However, that’s untrue if you dig enough. The IPC starts to fail around 500 concurrent connections, while for UDS this happens way faster aka for an 1 process pool, you can serve at most 129 concurrent clients. 129 is not a random number. PHP-FPM can keep 128 connections into its backlog while the 129th connection is the active process. The default listen.backlog for Linux is 128, although the PHP-FPM documentation may state -1 aka the maximum allowed value by the system. Taking a peek at the PHP-FPM source code reveals this (sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm_sockets.h):

  On FreeBSD and OpenBSD, backlog negative values are truncated to SOMAXCONN
#if (__FreeBSD__) || (__OpenBSD__)

The default configuration file that is distributed with the PHP-FPM source tree states that the value is 128 for Linux. The statement that it defaults to -1 gave me a lot of grief as I though the manual won’t give me rubbish instead of usable information. However, since PHP 5.3.5 you may debug the configuration by using the -t flag for the php-fpm binary. You can use it like:

php-fpm -tt -y /path/to/php-fpm.conf

The doube t flag is not a mistake. If you’re using NOTICE as the debug level, the double t testing level prints the internal values of the PHP-FPM configuration:

php-fpm -tt -y /etc/php-fpm/php-fpm.conf
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE: [General]
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  pid = /var/run/
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  daemonize = yes
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  error_log = /var/log/php-fpm.log
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  log_level = NOTICE
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  process_control_timeout = 0s
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  emergency_restart_interval = 0s
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  emergency_restart_threshold = 0
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE: [www]
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  prefix = undefined
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  user = www-data
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  group = www-data
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  chroot = undefined
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  chdir = undefined
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  listen = /var/run/php-fpm.sock
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  listen.backlog = -1
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  listen.owner = undefined
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE: = undefined
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  listen.mode = undefined
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  listen.allowed_clients = undefined
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  pm = static
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  pm.max_children = 1
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  pm.max_requests = 0
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  pm.start_servers = 0
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  pm.min_spare_servers = 0
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  pm.max_spare_servers = 0
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  pm.status_path = undefined
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  ping.path = undefined
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  ping.response = undefined
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  catch_workers_output = no
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  request_terminate_timeout = 0s
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  request_slowlog_timeout = 0s
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  slowlog = undefined
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  rlimit_files = 0
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:  rlimit_core = 0
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE:
[08-May-2011 20:53:26] NOTICE: configuration file /etc/php-fpm/php-fpm.conf test is successful

This stuff is not documented properly. I discovered it by having a nice afternoon at work, reading the PHP-FPM sources. That could save me some hours of debugging the internal state of PHP-FPM by other means. Maybe, for the 1st time, saying “undocumented feature” doesn’t sound like marketing crap implying “undiscovered bug”.

You may use listen.backlog = -1 for the system to decide, or you may use your own limit. -1 is a valid value as the listen(3) man page says. I am planning for opening a new issue as -1 is a more appropriate default for Linux as well. However, please keep in mind that a high backlog value may be truncated by the Linux kernel. For example, under Ubuntu Server this limit is … 128. The same manual page for listen(3) states that the maximum value for the backlog option is the SOMAXCONN value. While reading the Linux kernel sources is not exactly toilet reading, I could find the exact implementation of the listen syscall (net/socket.c):

 *      Perform a listen. Basically, we allow the protocol to do anything
 *      necessary for a listen, and if that works, we mark the socket as
 *      ready for listening.
SYSCALL_DEFINE2(listen, int, fd, int, backlog)
        struct socket *sock;
        int err, fput_needed;
        int somaxconn;
        sock = sockfd_lookup_light(fd, &err, &fput_needed);
        if (sock) {
                somaxconn = sock_net(sock->sk)->core.sysctl_somaxconn;
                if ((unsigned)backlog > somaxconn)
                        backlog = somaxconn;
                err = security_socket_listen(sock, backlog);
                if (!err)
                        err = sock->ops->listen(sock, backlog);
                fput_light(sock->file, fput_needed);
        return err;

In plain English: the backlog value can not be higher than net.core.somaxconn. In order to be able to queue more idle connections into the kernel backlog, you ought to inrease the SOMAXCONN value:

root@localhost~# sysctl net.core.somaxconn=1024

The sysctl utility however modifies this value till the system is rebooted. In order to make it persistent, you have to define it as a new file into /etc/sysctl.d/. Or at least, using sysctl.d is recommended as it keeps the configuration to be more structured. I used /etc/sysctl.d/10-unix.conf:


for having 1024 queued connections per listening UDS + the number of active connections that equals the size of the process pool. Remember that you need to restart the PHP-FPM daemon for the new backlog setting to be enabled. You may increase the limit as the usage model seems fit. Since nginx doesn’t queue any FastCGI connections, you need to be very careful about this setting. All the requests go straight to the kernel backlog. If there’s no more room for new connections, a 502 response is returned to the client. I can safely assume that you would like to avoid this.

Another thing that you should take care of for the number of idle connections to the PHP upstream is the fact that nginx opens a file descriptor for each UDS connection. If you increase too much the SOMAXCONN limit without increasing the number of allowed file descriptors per process, you will run into 502 errors as well. By default, a process may open up to 1024 file descriptors. Usually I increase this limit by adding a ulimit -n $fd_value to the init script of a certain service instead of increasing this limit as system wide.

You may want to buffer the FastCGI response in nginx as well. Buffering the response doesn’t tie the upstream PHP process for longer than needed. As nginx properly does the spoon-feeding to slow clients, the system is free to process more requests from the queue. fastcgi_buffer_size and fastcgi_buffers are the couple of options that you need to tune in order to fit your application usage mode.

Update (Aug 24, 2011):

Increasing the SO_SNDBUF also helps. Writes to the socket won’t block as it would be the kernel’s job to stream the data to the clients. For a server with enough memory, nginx could be free to do something else. The socket(7) man page comes to the rescue in order to demystify the SO_SNDBUF concept. Basically net.core.wmem_max is the one to blame when writes to the socket are blocking. By default the net.core.wmem_max is 128k which is very small for a busy server. If the server has a fat network pipe available, then you can get some more hints here: Linux Tuning. It may not be the case for most EC2 scenarios where the networking is shared. Therefore smaller buffers will do just fine. But it may be the case if you’re playing like me with toys that have dual 1G network interfaces.

How to fix nginx and PHP/FastCGI PATH_INFO issue

You may be disappointed by this statement: you don’t. nginx has something in it that’s broken by design, while the author didn’t bother at least to reply my email, explaining the situation. I can demonstrate this by using some comparisons.

Apache (+mod_php5) knows the difference between a script and a PATH_INFO input request that ends in .php. It would be ridiculous not to do so since the PHP runtime is part of the webserver itself. Didn’t bother to try various Apache + mod_fcgid configurations since most of the time Apache simply wastes my own time. lighttpd binds the FastCGI proxying to the file extension. This is the part where nginx fails: it tries to use a one-size-fits-all configuration logic that actually doesn’t fits all the usage modes. The FastCGI pass is done into a location (not file / file extension!) directive that doesn’t tell anything about the nature of the input. Let’s take a look at this example:


Except nginx, both Apache and lighttpd won’t create a mess out of a path like this. A location directive is a little big vague and no amount of regex will ever fix this. Of course, you can fix it for every single damn virtual host, but then again, can you spell boilerplate? Having different configurations for every virtual host, when clearly for other web servers this isn’t a bundled “feature”, is not fun from the system administration point of view. Usually I generate the virtual host configuration from a bash script I wrote myself. I have configuration templates for all of the applications I administer, thus is all about flags and options, unlike manually writing configuration files. Working around nginx’s inabilities to tell which stuff is which could only mean that I have to write a whole bunch of configuration boilerplate for each type of application. Doesn’t sound like one-size-fits-all anymore. Is that fun? Let me rephrase that: that’s not fun. In case AWS disappears into a black hole, I can recreate everything from scratch in a matter of minutes onto a complete new hosting service while changing Cotendo origins is a child’s play.

Here are a bunch of proposed solutions for something that can turn out into a remote exploit. I’ve being using for quite a while the same solution as provided by one of the people commenting the article:

if (-f $request_filename)
    fastcgi_pass php_upstream;

Usually because this is more readable than try_files. I usually tend to understand code blocks better.

Of course, a proper PHP script won’t save any uploaded junk to a public accessible location, but what sysadmin trust his coders anyway? I usually don’t. That doesn’t mean that they don’t do a good job, but mistakes happen. I can’t made every living thing to be as paranoid about security as I am. This exploitable situation happens when people validate their upload via the $_FILES array. I have news flash for you: the MIME type defined by the $_FILES array is defined by the browser. The browser does a lousy job at providing a proper MIME. It matches a specific MIME based onto the file extension. PHP file with JPEG extension, anyone? fileinfo would be the proper alternative. PHP should deal with this junk by design, but that’s a whole other joke about the design of PHP.

Getting back to PATH_INFO. The juicy part is that basically you can extract the PATH_INFO from an input path by using fastcgi_split_path_info, but that directive uses … regex. Which brings us to the above statement: no amount of regex will ever fix this crap. Let’s take a look at $request_filename by throwing a custom debug logging configuration that places some stuff into the access_log. Guess what, the $request_filename for the above example is … /directory.php/file.php/pathinfo.php while it’s pretty clear that the actual request filename is /directory.php/file.php. Which is the other broken-by-design thing that nginx features. Q: What damn server side variable would ever lie to your face that a $request_filename is not exactly a file? A: duh!

This doesn’t mean that you should throw nginx and PHP-FPM away and go back crying to Apache. Just simply avoid the PATH_INFO junk. However, even by using my proposed configuration directive aka check if $request_filename is actually a file before doing the FastCGI pass, you can still use fastcgi_split_path_info for a limited amount of work. fastcgi_split_path_info can replace the need for doing URL rewrites by simply using:

if (!-e $request_filename)
    rewrite ^ /index.php last;

This works for a lot of stull like WordPress, Drupal, or Zend Framework. It works for certain stuff, except the stuff containing .php somewhere. I might want to use /%postname%.php as permalink structure in WordPress. Guess what … with a properly configured nginx (cough!) + the above rewrite rule replacement simply can’t. You have to go back to:

if (!-e $request_filename)
    rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?q=$1 last;

Which is exactly what I did. For all my apps. Happens to be more deterministic by nature, while I tend to sleep better when I can predict the request pipeline, no matter which is the input junk.

I guess I could give Hiawatha a run which seems to be lightweight enough to support PHP with a threaded architecture. PHP is process based, doing blocking I/O by design, therefore the web server is rarely the actual bottleneck.

Password Hashing in PHP with bcrypt

I’ve being doing it wrong for years. Till 5.3, PHP didn’t help very much either with it’s broken bcrypt implementation. So here goes the vicious circle. However, there’s no excuse for getting smarter as the tools I’m using get smarter. Here’s a couple of reasons.

For quite a while I’ve being using my own implementation of phpass. There are a couple of reasons for doing my own homework instead of using the already existing solution:

  • The Suhosin patch doesn’t play nice with PHP extensions available as binary blob only as it breaks the ABI. Therefore a consistent bcrypt implementation lacked before PHP 5.3 since at most I could use just the Suhosin extension.
  • The random seed generator was quite broken across different platforms. Unices have /dev/random and /dev/urandom. Even more, these devices are not consistently implemented across them. If you aren’t inspired (/dev/random under Linux is a blocking device), then your random seed generator is screwed till the system gains enough entropy. Under Windows, the used PRNG was something really crappy, if you could use the system implementation, otherwise people used to hack something together. phpass is still a mess, while being backwards compatible with a lot of PHP implementations.

openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() is still slow under Windows, although since PHP 5.3.4 it fixes the blocking behavior. But it’s still better than the previous mess. My method for generating the bcrypt salts is still about 5.8X faster than the method used by phpass under Ubuntu.

I am not saying that my implementation is the implementation, but I got the feeling that for once I am doing it better that I used to do it before, or doing it better than phpass does.

Grab/fork it from GitHub if you’re curious.

Update: I also implemented Ulrich Drepper’s SHA2-based crypt() scheme, but the v0.2 is incompatible with v0.1 due to the fact that it returns the hashes as base64 string. This is a side effect of using 16 bytes of random seed for the SHA2 salts. The PHP manual simply states 16 chars, but that’s a little bit vague. Except chr(0) and chr(36), any other single byte char is valid for the random seed. bcrypt takes a more cleaner approach for the 16 bytes random seed by using a 22 chars base64-like string that encodes those 16 bytes.